Monday, November 28, 2011

One Month In FCC

I have passed one month in FCC. In this one month i have learn a lot. Before coming to FCC i was not able to perform any activity in front of someone , but now i am able to perform some activity in front of any one. The month before coming to FCC i was not able to stand in front of people in speak some thing, but now i am feeling 5% change in my life, and by the end of this semester inshahullah i will improve myself up to 50%.                         After passing a month  i have observed a lot of  good and bad quality about FCC. The good quality that i observed about FCC is that, that the teaching staff and the student of FCC is good, Hardworking and cooprative, but the accounting staff are bad, because they does not talk right to any one. The second thing that i observed about FCC, is the library of FCC. Although FCC has one of the big library but still there are shortage of books in library, and also the book which are present are not of any work.                                                         The one of the best quality of FCC in my view is that , that FCC provide a very friendly enviroment to all. I have make many  friends  in FCC, we do a lot of activity everyday. Although  i am very happy in FCC but still i am in tension about my current course of Business, the tension is due to that, that i have done my inter in Pre- Engg, and now i am in field of I-com. But i hope that  inshahullah it will be set with time.By the end i will say that i am enjoying my life in FCC, there is a lot of chill than any other university  in Pakistan.

Monday, November 21, 2011

My District Karak

Karak is the one of the most beautiful district of KPK. It is located 123 kilometer from Peshawar. Until 1940 it was ruled by Teri Nawab. After 1940 it was part of kohat till to 1982. At start of 1983 it become independent district with karak is capital. There are three tehsil in district karak, ( Takht-e-nasrati, Banda Daud shah and Karak ). The district is mostly populated by Khattak tribe, one of the famous tribe of Pushton.District karak mostly contain low range mountain but there are high range mountain. These mountain mostly contain minerals such is salt, gypsum, uranium coal etc. Nowadays the one of the most important minerals that is discovered by the Germany company is oil and gas, also now they are making Pakistan second biggest oil refinery which will bring prosperity in karak.                                                                   The temperature of karak reached up to 33 degree in summer, but in winter it reached even to minus.Most of the people of karak is in Pak Army, but some people have their own business such is Pee nuts, Corn etc. Karak is famous for hunting of Quails in KPK. People out side from KPK  alsocome for hunting. There are a number of festival takes part in karak on weekly basis.The population of karak is approixmatly 550000.The litracy   rate is about 95%, after Islamabad , but in Islamabad mostly people is migrated so i think would be in first position in Pakistan.                                                                                                                        Karak is the only district in KPK which touches the boundaries with many distrit such is Kohat, Hangu,Bannu, Lakki Marwat, Qorram agency, Main Wali etc. The people of karak is very lovely, peaceful. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Eid holiday

whenever eid come , it bring a lot of happiness. this was my first eid which i spend out side my home with my friends in Lahore. I enjoyed this eid a lot. we all go to some historical places in lahore, Multan etc. I enjoyed these places a lot especially Shahe fort, Badshahe mosque , Lahore Museum, Minar-e- Pakistan. We do a lot of activity in these holiday. The one things that i do not on this eid was that i do not eat any meat . Although i enjoyed this eid but i was still sad that i do not go to my home, i do not spend this eid with my parent, with my brother, with my old friends. From this eid  i learn a lot of knowledge, that how a person face a lot of difficulties when he is out side from the home, and how to solved this.