Thursday, October 27, 2011

University Experience

When i was in College. I think ,we go to university after this year.My friends told me that you should go to Pak Army and it was my  own desire to go to Pak army but my Parents does not give me permission. They told me if you want to  go army than you must go as a technical cadet, but in NUST my position was 3364 so i was not selected as technical cadet.After that I  went back to home and  thought hopelessly what i do.                                                                 My  big brother which is currently studying in GCU, he told me that you give the test of  FCC so I came to Lahore and give the test in  FCC and I passed it with high grades.After that my Orientation was on 17 October 2011 so again i came to Lahore at 16 Oct. at 17 I come FCC when I enter to college and I asked from student that where is Ahmad Saeed Building they show me the Armacost building so i go there the security man told me that it is not that block and he till me the right direction. when i go there and enter the  room no 10, Unfortunatly my  parsal roll no was not there so it was crucil  time . When i asked from  sir who is sitting on computer  chair and i tell condition what i shall do, he simply say that i dont know.Fortunatly a pathan (from NWFP) student enter to room and i explain my condition to him , he said, went  to Ms Cheryl office and told to her that what i do.                                                                                                          My english is too weak but i try  best to understand. she simply told  me to go to E block room no 25.I go their and i see  a lot of student were sitting in hall. After some time Ms cheryl came and explain the university rules and regulation, how to select the course but she was speaking so fast that i could not understand what she spoken. when we were selecting the course every student go to his advisor but i do not know about my advisor, i go to Ms Cheryl she told me my advisor name (Irtifa Nasir ) but she also told me that she is absent . I go outside the hall and asked from different students how to select the course. At last i selected my course and now i am enjoying my University life and that was my first day University Experience.